من هو نجم تيك توك الأمريكي كايلب غريفز
تفاصيل وفاة نجم تيك توك الأمريكي كايلب غريفز في ماراثون ديزني
وفاة نجم تيك توك الأمريكي كايلب غريفز في ماراثون ديزني
من هو نجم تيك توك الأمريكي كايلب غريفز
تفاصيل وفاة نجم تيك توك الأمريكي في ماراثون ديزني
وفاة نجم تيك توك في ماراثون ديزني
كايلب غريفز، نجم تيك توك الأمريكي البالغ من العمر 33 عامًا، كان معروفًا بحبه لمنتزهات ديزني ومشاركته الدائمة لمحتويات تتعلق بتجارب ديزني عبر منصته. في يوم 8 سبتمبر 2024، توفي غريفز بعد أن أنهى سباق Disneyland Halloween Half Marathon في أنهايم، كاليفورنيا. بعد عبوره خط النهاية، أصيب بنوبة قلبية أدت إلى وفاته بعد نقله إلى المستشفى بساعة تقريبًا.
قبل السباق، نشر غريفز عدة مقاطع فيديو على تيك توك عبّر فيها عن قلقه من حرارة الجو الشديدة، وذكر أنه تعرض للإرهاق الحراري قبل يوم واحد من السباق. نصح متابعيه بالبقاء رطبين والاهتمام بأجسادهم بسبب الحرارة الشديدة التي كانت تضرب المنطقة خلال السباق.
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وفاة نجم تيك توك في ماراثون ديزني
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Caleb Graves, a 35-year-old TikTok star and Disney influencer, tragically passed away on September 8, 2024, after completing the Disneyland Halloween Half Marathon in Anaheim, California. Graves, known for his love of Disney and travel content, collapsed shortly after crossing the finish line, clutching his chest. Medics on the scene immediately provided aid and rushed him to the hospital, but despite an hour of efforts to revive him, he was pronounced dead.
Leading up to the marathon, Graves had expressed concerns about the intense heat in Southern California, which was experiencing a heatwave at the time. In a TikTok video, he mentioned his susceptibility to heat exhaustion, recalling a recent incident of passing out after brief exposure to high temperatures. The official cause of his death has not been confirmed yet, but his collapse is suspected to be related to the extreme heat conditions
Caleb Graves’ family and friends have been deeply affected by his sudden passing during the Disneyland Halloween Half Marathon. Tributes have poured in from loved ones, fans, and fellow Disney enthusiasts, expressing shock and sadness. Graves, who shared his passion for Disney and running on social media, was known for his kind nature and positivity. His sudden collapse, likely exacerbated by the intense California heat, left his family heartbroken, as they, along with his online community, mourn his loss
Caleb Graves, a 35-year-old TikTok influencer, was known for his passion for Disney, travel, and running. He often shared content from Disney theme parks and participated in various running events. Graves, who had a notable following on TikTok, passed away suddenly after collapsing at the finish line of the Disneyland Halloween Half Marathon in September 2024. He had previously expressed concerns about his susceptibility to heat and had experienced heat exhaustion before the race. Graves was also an author of a poetry book titled Love, and Other Love
Caleb Graves passed away after collapsing at the finish line of the Disneyland Halloween Half Marathon in Anaheim, California, in September 2024. While the exact cause of death has not yet been confirmed, it is suspected to be related to heat exhaustion. Graves had expressed concerns about his susceptibility to high temperatures, having experienced heat exhaustion the day before the race